Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Party Girl

Happy Birthday Aubrie!! I will have to work on trying to get Aubrie's singing voice on the blog. She can sing the whole Happy Birthday song. Very cute.

Here are pictures of the kids that came to Aubrie's party.

Trying on a shirt that she got for her birthday.

Aubrie did a great job opening her presents. Each one she opened she gave a big, Ahhhhh when she saw what it was. She enjoyed every minute of it.

Her cousin was a big help. She wanted so much to help Aubrie open up her gifts :) But instead she decided to retrieve the presents for her. She was a big help.

This little table was just adorable. Chris's mom found it over at Bed, Bath & Beyond for a great price. The kids loved playing on it.


Visit at Grandma's House

Here is Aubrie with her Grandma & Great Grandmother.

Yo, yo, yo...what's up!

More Grandmother pictures....

This is Aubrie's Great Grandmother. She was in town visiting from warm Phoenix, AZ. I'm sure she was ready to go back to that warm weather. We have been in the single digits for the past few days. Not pleasant!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Fun in the snow

So here is our 1st snowman built together. From this picture it looks like a pretty decent sized snowman...right?? Well, take a look at the one below it. You have to look real close to the left side of Aubrie. I was laughing when we were putting it together. This is defiantly not good packing snow. But Aubrie had a great time putting it together & gathering the sticks. We named him Tiny.

Aubrie laughed hysterically every time she fell off the sled. For everyone that knows Aubrie, she is not one to get dirty or have things on her that doesn't belong. So I was pleasantly surprised at her reaction to snow. She did great & actually was trying to put snow on her.

These few pictures were taken as Aubrie was sledding down the hill. I have to say they came out pretty good considering I was running backwards on a pretty steep hill while taking pictures! Go April! (smile) Aubrie had a blast the whole time. We had to of gone at least 20 times down this hill. I kept telling myself that this was great exercise for myself. I was sweating buckets by the end...can we say out of shape!

Don't you love the hair after a long day in the snow! Aubrie's bangs stuck straight out when the hat came off. It was pretty cute.

This is a little off the subject, but I thought it was cute enough to post. So I was mentioning to Chris the other night that my back was bothering me. He reminded me that I had this body massage in our closet. So I brought it out & went back into our room to change into something more comfortable. I come out to find Aubrie has taken over the whole thing. She was on this thing for at least 30 minutes. We would ask her if we could use it. She would say yes if she could push the control buttons. This would last for maybe 10 seconds, if we were lucky. Then she wanted it to be her turn again. Pretty humorous!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Senator Mike Kopp

Mike ended up getting sworn in on Jan. 4th as well as the 10th (because Kiki resigned and he needed to finish out her term)... Here's some photos for everyone to take a look at. Congratulations again Mike!!


Big News!

Well, baby #2 is on it's way! Chris & myself are extremely excited once we found out that we were having another baby. I am excited & nervous at the same time. But I know that God has his hand in everything we do, and we are great & loving parents. So things will be fine.

Now that makes 3 Peterson girls pregnant at the same time. Now who would have guessed that it would be me, Jaimie & Kim.

Looks like our baby will be due sometime at the end of September beginning of October. We won't be going to the doctors office for a while. I will let you know as soon as we find out more.

We asked Aubrie if she wanted a sister or a brother. She didn't hesitate at all when she said, "sister please". It was very cute. Having another girl would be wonderful, but having a boy would be interesting. Not sure how I would react if I found out I was having a boy. A little on the nervous side, but I know I will be as happy if they said a girl.

So that makes 5 cousins all pregnant at the same time. How fun!!!!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love this picture of Aubrie. I think it captured her innocent look perfectly! She is getting so big each and every day. She is becoming quite the talker as well. And I will have to say that she is becoming clearer everyday. She insists on holding the phone when talking to someone. She does a great job at it. She has full conversations with them, and I'm noticing that they are able to understand what she is saying as well.

She can count to 10 all by herself. I am now working on her counting to ten in Spanish. So far not to much progress, but she is smart so I will keep on trying. She is getting so tall. She's been in 2T for the passed 4 months. Shirts are becoming to short on her as well as pants. I have a funny feeling that she will be tall and slender like her Daddy.

Her birthday is coming up in February. She will be turning 2 years old. I can't believe that 2 years has come and gone so quickly. I've been asking her what types of foods she wants at her party, and all she says is cookies & pizza. So we are thinking about doing a cookie cake & making homemade pizza. I'm sure she will be one happy camper after the day is said and done.

Hope all is well for everyone & you are starting the New Year off like you anticipated. Love you guys & keep the pictures coming, I love seeing all your kids & so does Aubrie.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Whole Family

See....toys just aren't for kids. Here is Chris enjoying time playing with Aubrie's weeble wobble castle. Aubrie kept asking if she could play, and Dad said, "In a minute". (smile)

Here is Aubrie's attempt at winking....she did pretty good if you ask me.

The Three Amigos

Here is Aubrie's pretend cry. It is more funny in person, because you need to hear the sound effects along with the facial expressions. She is pretty good at it....we might just have ourselves a little actress :)

She is getting really good at smiling for the camera lately. She now loves to come and look at the camera when I take a picture of her. She thinks it's the coolest thing ever. I can get her to do most anything, just so she can see herself afterwards. Kids are too cute!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Papa (Dad)

Happy Birthday Papa! Ok...so I gave the idea to Aubrie to draw a Happy birthday sign for my dad & she was so excited to do it. I wrote the words and she colored all over. When it came time to hold the sign up & take the picture she didn't want anything to do with it...go figure. So as you see she has her passifer in her mouth & is NOT smiling. Sorry Dad, she was very excited while coloring the poster for you. I guess it's the thought that counts, right :)! We love you and wish we could be there to give you a hug in person. Hope you have a wonderful Day!!

Aubrie's showing some of her dance moves off....she's pretty good.

She'll dance for about 10-20 seconds then fall down. She wants you to come and help her up so she can continue. It's so funny the things that kids think up.

Help me up please.

I'm sure every child goes through the stage of putting on their parents shoes. I find it very cute. Here are a few pictures of Aubrie trying Daddy's shoes out for size.