Thursday, July 05, 2007

Miss 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone!!
We enjoyed our morning of the 4th in a cute little parade taken place over by my in laws house. We attended the same parade last year & had a good time. So we decided to do it again this year. It's so much fun seeing all the kids dressed up in their best 4th of July gear. They have a couple firetrucks, ambulances & cop cars in the front and back of the parade. In the middle are kids riding their bikes, walking, & in strollers. Here are a few pictures of the day.

Aubrie had some cute red bracelets for her wrists and ankles. She loved putting on as much as she could.

Me and Aubrie

Looking pretty festive for the parade.

Aubrie's cousin getting into the festive parade as well.

Chris, Brian and the kids

Here are some cute pictures of some kids who really dressed it up for the parade.

Aubrie & Aidan enjoying the ride through the parade.

Here are a few pictures after the parade:

Our friends Marty & Alison's son Aidan. He is such a ham!
Enjoying a yummy hot dog.

Aubrie and her Grandma

It's a bird....

It's a plane....

It's a big red fire truck!

After the mini parade one of the fire trucks would put their ladder up so the kids could take pictures in it. Aubrie was not into the fire truck this year. When they were raising the ladder she got a little scared. She didn't want to get out of her stroller the rest of the time. All she kept saying was, "I want to go to Grandma's house". So we didn't stay as long as we did last year. I didn't mind to much considering it was so hot and humid that day.

The Family

Aidan & Alison (His mom)

We headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house after the parade. Here are the girls chilling out in some comfy chairs.

Still chilling.

Here's Aubrie watching her Daddy play a game of beanbags. You'll see in the next pictures to come. She looks so excited, doesn't she (smile)?

My father-in-law made a game of beanbags the other day. Here is Chris and his dad enjoying a competitive game. I believe Chris won (he, he, he).

Good form Chris.

My father-in-law & Chris

After a little while of sitting and relaxing the girls had a blast in Grandma's little pool. It was a perfect day for them to be in the water. Aubrie jumping out of the pool. She is such a jumper.

Aubrie's cousin's trying to drink the water. Too cute!

Filling up the pool. Always wanting to help out when she can.

Here is one of Aubrie's cousins.

Splish splash splish....

This is also Aubrie's cousin. Doesn't she have the most beautiful red hair you've ever seen??


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