Saturday, June 30, 2007

Make a silly face

So I've been potty training Aubrie for the last week & I am happy to say that she is more than 1/2 way there. She has most of it down except for a few minor problems. But I have faith that she will catch on over the next week if I really stick with it. It feels so weird to be potty training my daughter. It just means that she is getting older & there is nothing I can do about it. At least I will still have another one to train. That makes everything so much easier for me. Who knew that potty training one of your kids would almost be a sad moment at times (smile). I am so proud of Aubrie & I can't wait till she is fully trained.

Mackenzie is kicking like crazy. I am also showing more than I did for Aubrie...which is a new experience. She has moved her way up into my ribs over the past week or so. Which has been quite painful at times. That is one thing that didn't change from my first to the second. They both are very strong and move all the time. She takes my breath away at times when she kicks in certain areas. I'm completely ready for her to be here. Bring her on (smile)!! We are needing to buy another dresser by the time she is here. Where we are going to put it I'm not sure yet, but I know we'll figure something out. It's hard to believe that there will be two little girls running around the house. I'm so excited to increase our family by one. I'm all about even numbers (he, he, he).

Here are a few great pictures of Aubrie's many expressions. And a few cute pictures of Aubrie and her Daddy towards the end.

Yes....she did put the sunglasses on all by herself!!


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