Monday, June 25, 2007

Kitchen Update #2

We are almost done with the whole kitchen. Chris and his Dad worked on our place this past weekend and finished up the plumbing & cabinets. I also turned a storage closet into a pantry. So we repainted and put shelves up. Half of my kitchen table is cleared off. I was so happy to sit at our table as a family last night. It's been over 2 weeks since we last saw the top of my table. We still have a few things here and there. Hopefully next weekend we are able to fix a minor electrical problem & the following weekend we are planning on painting the kitchen walls. Now that will really make that space look great. I am so excited to have my kitchen back. Even if it's not fully done yet. It's a fun space to be in now (smile).

Here are the before pictures of the old kitchen:

And here is the new kitchen. It is amazing how much light it brings in there with the old dark cabinets taken out.

Here is a picture of our pantry. It is so nice to have so much space for our food. I can finally see what we have in the cupboards. It makes such a huge difference.

Notice the full size dishwasher to the right....that is the best feature in our new kitchen.

We installed a full size microwave above the stove.


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