Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Party Girl

Happy Birthday Aubrie!! I will have to work on trying to get Aubrie's singing voice on the blog. She can sing the whole Happy Birthday song. Very cute.

Here are pictures of the kids that came to Aubrie's party.

Trying on a shirt that she got for her birthday.

Aubrie did a great job opening her presents. Each one she opened she gave a big, Ahhhhh when she saw what it was. She enjoyed every minute of it.

Her cousin was a big help. She wanted so much to help Aubrie open up her gifts :) But instead she decided to retrieve the presents for her. She was a big help.

This little table was just adorable. Chris's mom found it over at Bed, Bath & Beyond for a great price. The kids loved playing on it.



At 3:44 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

So cute. I can NOT believe she is already TWO!


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