Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Swimming & Jumping

We reached the high 90's this past weekend. Boy was it hot and humid outside. The last thing I wanted was to be cooped up in our place with only one room to sit in. We have a wall air conditioner which only reaches our living room space. Chris's parents offered to take us over to their neighborhood pool to try and stay cool. We took them up on the offer & here are a few fun pictures of Aubrie really enjoying herself. It didn't take her long to really try some new things in the "big" pool. She was jumping off the side of the pool into the water all by herself. She was doing a great job at kicking her feet while holding herself above water in the inner tube. She is a natural swimmer & I can't wait to take her again. One funny side note: When she would slip on the bottom of the pool and fall completely in the natural thing to do is pop out of the water, right? Not Aubrie. She would stay under water until one of us pulled her out. The good thing was that she was holding her breath, but the bad part is the fact that she wasn't attempting to even pull herself out of the water. Silly girl! She did that 4x's while in the pool. By the 3rd time it wasn't bothering her as much. So it was a learning experience. The pool kept us cool & it was nice to relax for the afternoon.

Here are some shots of her jumping into the pool.

Most two year old usually take the easy way out of the pool. Like using the stairs or something like that. Not Aubrie. As you can see in the picture below she would get her long leg out of the pool and pull herself up. She had to of done this at least 40 times. By the end of the day she was getting out pretty slow.

Swimming in the inner tube. This is where she was picking up how to kick her legs to get herself to move. I was very impressed on how fast she picked it up.



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