Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Papa (Dad)

Happy Birthday Papa! Ok...so I gave the idea to Aubrie to draw a Happy birthday sign for my dad & she was so excited to do it. I wrote the words and she colored all over. When it came time to hold the sign up & take the picture she didn't want anything to do with it...go figure. So as you see she has her passifer in her mouth & is NOT smiling. Sorry Dad, she was very excited while coloring the poster for you. I guess it's the thought that counts, right :)! We love you and wish we could be there to give you a hug in person. Hope you have a wonderful Day!!

Aubrie's showing some of her dance moves off....she's pretty good.

She'll dance for about 10-20 seconds then fall down. She wants you to come and help her up so she can continue. It's so funny the things that kids think up.

Help me up please.

I'm sure every child goes through the stage of putting on their parents shoes. I find it very cute. Here are a few pictures of Aubrie trying Daddy's shoes out for size.


At 11:21 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

too cute.


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