Friday, June 22, 2007

Old volleyball pictures

Chris and I were able to enjoy a whole week away from home in Texas about 3 weeks ago. Chris had his national volleyball tournament. I am hoping next year I'll be able to play instead of just watching. Which we just heard will be located in Atlanta, GA. I am still mad at myself, because I didn't take any pictures while I was there. I did get a few with Chris playing. The weather was perfect & I was able to lounge around by the outdoor pool & enjoy some good volleyball. I also wish I would have taken a picture of this spider bite I got when I was there. It was horrible!! I got bitten by a recluse spider on my neck. He bit me twice. That little sucker. It's finally starting to go away. It left these huge red spots where the bite was. It itched like crazy & felt like I received a 3rd degree burn. It started peeling from the inside out, and it lasted for a whole week and 1/2. It's been over 3 weeks, & you can still see the bites. Pretty crazy. I'm just grateful that this wasn't a deadly spider & that all I received was a few ugly spots on my neck that resembled hickeys (smile). So here are a few volleyball pictures of Chris and his team playing. They ended up finishing 24th over all. I believe there were around 38 men teams participating. They did well & had a good time. Two years ago this same team placed 2nd overall. So as you can see, volleyball is such a mental sport. They played well with the teams they were against....they just couldn't pull ahead

Chris doing his monster jump serve.

Chris is standing on the right cheering his team on.

This was a random sign we saw while driving downtown Texas. Pretty funny!


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