Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kitchen Update #3

Here are a few updated pictures of our kitchen with the new paint on the walls. It's hard to see the true color through camera, but you can defiantly see the difference. I decided to put the orange paint on all the walls instead of just two. The color was perfect next to the cabinets and our counter tops. All my pictures that are hung match up perfectly. We still need to do a few minor things before we can call the kitchen complete. For the most part it's almost done....Yippee!!!!

Here are a couple pictures to remind you of the old kitchen without paint:

Repainted Kitchen:

We painted the pantry door all white which gave it a brand new look. It used to be the old dark wood to match our old dark cabinets. It made for such a sunny kitchen. (smile). This really changed the whole space. Now that I see how nice it turned out with a white door, I am planning on painting or replacing all our doors in our place before we move.



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