Friday, July 06, 2007

A little color

I bought some finger paints about 3 weeks ago for Aubrie to play with. At first I thought it would be a fun & new thing for us to do together. Then when I got it home I started to think that this could get really messy. So it sat for more than 3 weeks. Just this morning I had the urge to let her go for it. So I put some newspaper on her little table & decided that I was OK with it. I seem to forget that I have a very dainty girl when it comes to certain things. One of those things is when she has something on her hands. She doesn't like to to get it everywhere. So at first she only used one finger to try and paint a masterpiece. But I told her to stick her whole hand in the paint & have a blast. I joined in the fun half way through & that really got her going. Her big "daring" moment was putting paint on her cheeks. I love having such a girlie girl. She makes my life less stressful & crazy. And the whole thing was such an easy clean up. All I had to do was throw her in the tub & she was clean in less than 2 minutes. Needless to say we both had a blast & here are a few pictures of our morning.

Here is the end result....not to shabby!!



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