Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Big News!

Well, baby #2 is on it's way! Chris & myself are extremely excited once we found out that we were having another baby. I am excited & nervous at the same time. But I know that God has his hand in everything we do, and we are great & loving parents. So things will be fine.

Now that makes 3 Peterson girls pregnant at the same time. Now who would have guessed that it would be me, Jaimie & Kim.

Looks like our baby will be due sometime at the end of September beginning of October. We won't be going to the doctors office for a while. I will let you know as soon as we find out more.

We asked Aubrie if she wanted a sister or a brother. She didn't hesitate at all when she said, "sister please". It was very cute. Having another girl would be wonderful, but having a boy would be interesting. Not sure how I would react if I found out I was having a boy. A little on the nervous side, but I know I will be as happy if they said a girl.

So that makes 5 cousins all pregnant at the same time. How fun!!!!



At 1:09 PM , Blogger Beth said...

CONGRATS!! Very exciting news!! have you had your first Dr.appt yet?? Do you know how far along you are??
I am so excited for you and Chris!!


At 2:17 PM , Blogger April said...

We are going to hold off on the doctors appointment for a while. I have about 2-3 months worth of prenatal vitamins from Aubrie, so that should tide me over for a while. All the doctor will say is, "Yep you're pregnant, see you in a couple months". Now please pay us $100. :)

We are so excited as well. Life with 2 kids is hard to comprehend right now. But I know that he/she will become apart of this family real soon.

At 11:20 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

EXCITING!!! Congrats! I heard through the grapevine. Five of your guys huh... maybe we'll have a record... wait I think that it the most at one time record, right?


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