Monday, January 22, 2007

Fun in the snow

So here is our 1st snowman built together. From this picture it looks like a pretty decent sized snowman...right?? Well, take a look at the one below it. You have to look real close to the left side of Aubrie. I was laughing when we were putting it together. This is defiantly not good packing snow. But Aubrie had a great time putting it together & gathering the sticks. We named him Tiny.

Aubrie laughed hysterically every time she fell off the sled. For everyone that knows Aubrie, she is not one to get dirty or have things on her that doesn't belong. So I was pleasantly surprised at her reaction to snow. She did great & actually was trying to put snow on her.

These few pictures were taken as Aubrie was sledding down the hill. I have to say they came out pretty good considering I was running backwards on a pretty steep hill while taking pictures! Go April! (smile) Aubrie had a blast the whole time. We had to of gone at least 20 times down this hill. I kept telling myself that this was great exercise for myself. I was sweating buckets by the end...can we say out of shape!

Don't you love the hair after a long day in the snow! Aubrie's bangs stuck straight out when the hat came off. It was pretty cute.

This is a little off the subject, but I thought it was cute enough to post. So I was mentioning to Chris the other night that my back was bothering me. He reminded me that I had this body massage in our closet. So I brought it out & went back into our room to change into something more comfortable. I come out to find Aubrie has taken over the whole thing. She was on this thing for at least 30 minutes. We would ask her if we could use it. She would say yes if she could push the control buttons. This would last for maybe 10 seconds, if we were lucky. Then she wanted it to be her turn again. Pretty humorous!



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