Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love this picture of Aubrie. I think it captured her innocent look perfectly! She is getting so big each and every day. She is becoming quite the talker as well. And I will have to say that she is becoming clearer everyday. She insists on holding the phone when talking to someone. She does a great job at it. She has full conversations with them, and I'm noticing that they are able to understand what she is saying as well.

She can count to 10 all by herself. I am now working on her counting to ten in Spanish. So far not to much progress, but she is smart so I will keep on trying. She is getting so tall. She's been in 2T for the passed 4 months. Shirts are becoming to short on her as well as pants. I have a funny feeling that she will be tall and slender like her Daddy.

Her birthday is coming up in February. She will be turning 2 years old. I can't believe that 2 years has come and gone so quickly. I've been asking her what types of foods she wants at her party, and all she says is cookies & pizza. So we are thinking about doing a cookie cake & making homemade pizza. I'm sure she will be one happy camper after the day is said and done.

Hope all is well for everyone & you are starting the New Year off like you anticipated. Love you guys & keep the pictures coming, I love seeing all your kids & so does Aubrie.



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