Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Congratulations Chris!!!!

I know most of you are aware that Chris just accepted a job at a Bank about 3 weeks ago. Which we believe will be a great place for him to work. He was informed by his manager that he needed to take three tests in order to continue working for the bank. The 1st test was just a basic Bank test. He passed that with flying colors. The 2nd test was a little more difficult and required him to study for 3 weeks straight. We are happy to say that he passed with an 80...which is 10 points ahead of what is required in order to pass. He was so relieved to see the ending result. We are all so proud of him for his hard work while studying. His 3rd test is the most difficult. He has some concerns about this one, but has about 7 weeks to study for it. He will be taking a week course to really dive into what he should be studying at a local college. So you can see how difficult this test can be if they are providing a week course. We are asking for all your prayers during the next couple of months while Chris is studying away. Please pray for confidence & a peace to be upon Chris while he studies & takes his test. I will get everyone the exact date of the test later. But I do know it's the 2nd week in September. Which is a few days before Mackenzie is born. I know that he has talked about having a lot of pressure. But I know that Chris is incrediably smart & can do this! Congratulations again Chris!!!!

Here are a few cute pictures of Chris and Aubrie:

You can really see Aubrie's dimples in some of the pictures above. I love seeing them because it shows that she does have a little bit of her mom in that body (smile).


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