Friday, June 30, 2006

The Colorado Cousins

Until my sister Heather gets her own blog started, I thought I would help her out. She just sent some recent pictures of her family and the Kopp family. Enjoy!!
Roxy isn't little anymore...isn't she adorable. Heather said she started sitting up 3 weeks ago.

Does Ava not look identical to how Heather looked when she was little. I actually had to really look at this picture to realize that was Ava not Heather.

Heather and I were just talking about how our kids don't smile for the camera. What is this Heather??

Allie-Grace, Ava & Meghan having fun just being girls.

Aunt Kimmy with Roxy Roo.

How adorable is all I have to say!!

Heather and Ava at the playground.

Daddy, Ava & Roxy

Now there is two princesses in the Surridge girls look gorgeous!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bath time, hats, dirt, & my Pumpkin

I love thes first two pictures. It's Aubrie and her cousin Ava (who lives in Colorado) having fun in the bath. I laugh because this really makes Aubrie's hair look big. She is so skinny, but she has thick long black hair. Is that my child?

More Bath time with cousin Ava.

All three cousins were made these adorable hats by my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law and Mother-in-law are so handy with a needle. Maybe one day they can teach me how to sew something :)

Aubrie and her cousin were having fun playing in Grandma's dirt flower pots.

The small things that will entertain a one year old for hours.

Digging some more.

I know that this is a random picture...but I laugh everytime I see it. She was about to run and the way we captured this photo made it great. It looks like she is saluting, and that smile is adorable. What a cutie!!

I love these pictures of her....she looks like she is trying to pose for the camera. Great shots taken by Grandma.

The only thing was we couldn't get her to take her fingers out the mouth. This was around the time when she was getting a few teeth in her mouth.

This is her, "I'm not going to smile so just take the picture" look. It's hard to capture Aubrie when she is smiling. She doesn't care for the camera or video camera. So when we do get that picture of her smiling...we almost immediatley frame it.

Here she is smiling...doesn't she have a cute smile? You can't see it in this picture, but the one thing she does get from me is her dimples. She has two of them and they keep getting deeper as she get's older.

Let The Feeding Begin

First Aubrie gets a bite....

Then her cousin gets a bite....

You missed the bite with her other cousin...but she did get one. I love how all of them are looking at the camera like someone just interrupted their feeding time. These girls are so cute together. I'm so happy that Aubrie is able to be around some of her cousins.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A day in the life of Aubrie

Having Fun with her cousin. They are only one month apart. It's funny how Aubrie will try and get someone else wet, but she hates getting wet herself. We'll have to teach her the rule...."If you tickle someone then they have the right to tickle you back". She is learning :)

Playing some more with her water bucket

Smelling the flowers...she loves to do that. I got my first set of picked flowers from Aubrie a wekk ago. It was amazing to me how much that meant. Even though she didn't realize it then, she made my day!

Running in the grass while swinging her basket.

And that is a day in the life of Aubrie. Don't you wish you could be a year old again?

Fun in the Sun

Playing with her water buckets

Aubrie got a little wet but was a trooper

Playing with her cousin in the water. Aubrie is too cute when it comes to something new. She is such a girlie girl. It takes at least 30 minutes until she will try it out. So to see her playing that close to the hose with her cousin is fantanstic!

Aubrie's cousin is helping her fill the bucket up with some water. How cute!!

Her big cousin loves playing with Aubrie and Aubrie loves playing with her.

Resting on her flower pillow that Grandma made for her. We have one at our place as well, and she is so cute when she just runs and jumps on it. She loves to read her books and pretend that she is sleeping.

Playing pirates with her big cousin. Pretty cute pirates if you ask me!

Feeding little bear and big bear some yummy food.

Feeding her bear some more while sitting in Grandpa's lap

Our Family Senator at his Best

Allie-Grace & Ethan riding on top of the "Mike Kopp for Senate" van. This was a local parade that they were apart of in Colorado. His kids are so proud of him, and so his is whole family. Keep up the good work Mike (aka Dana).

Mike reaching out to the local community.

The Surridge family was there to support Mike as well.

Mike and Kim at the end of a job well done.

Greeting some more of the local community. Mike we are so proud of you...keep up the good work!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Men and women in our Family

I know most of you haven't had the luxury of meeting the men in my sisters and my life. So from the left we have my husband Chris, who stands at 6'4" tall. He is a great father and I thank God every day for such a wonderful man. He does such a great job with Aubrie. I love seeing the two of them interact with one another. Aubrie looks at Chris as her play buddy. He chases her around the house while she is laughing histerically. He is also a volleyball player and works as a finacial planner. So if anyone needs some finacial help, you can call Chris. He would be more than happy to help you out! Next you have Joey, which is Jaimies husband. The two of them live in Arizona. Joey stands at 5'10" (that's just a guess). He is a great golfer and a very sincere guy. In the middle we have the big daddy Jerry (my dad) who stands at 6'2". Him and my mom are living in Montana and loving the moutain life. I miss them with all my heart, and can't wait to visit with them. Then we have Paul, which is Heathers husband. Paul stands at 5'11" (also a guess). He is a head chef at one of the local restaraunts in Colorado. Paul is also a fantastic snowboarding from what I hear. I haven't had the chance to see him snowboard, but I can only imagine how good he is. Last you have Mike, which is Kim's husband. He stands at 5'10" (once again a guess). Mike is currently running for senator in his district in Colorado. The voting will begin in August of this year which then will determine if he has won the spot. They are 99% sure that he has already won. Go Mike!! So we will soon have a senator in the family. Hope this gives you more an idea of the guys in our family since we all do not get to see one another that often.

Here are all my beautiful sisters. From the left you have Jaimie, Heather, myself and Kim. Jaimie is still living in Arizona and Heather and Kim are in Colorado. It's pretty sad that my whole family now lives in the West, but I am really starting to like the area I live in. It also gives me a great place to vacation (smile). Miss all of you very much!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My favorite pictures of Aubrie

Got to love the close up's

I call this one her model pose. She is so funny, because Aubrie is already a girlie girl. But she can hold her own as well. Chris and I can tell that she is very athletic by the way she runs and she can throw a ball pretty far and accuretly. She has been able to catch a ball as well on her own...which is pretty impressive. Looks like we might have a little athlete on our hands.

I love the look that she is giving. It's one of those, "What did you say?" looks.

Reaching for her bear, which she can't live without.

Instead of smelling a flower, she decided that she wanted to eat one.

This is Aubrie's innocent look...she does a pretty good job with it.