Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bath time, hats, dirt, & my Pumpkin

I love thes first two pictures. It's Aubrie and her cousin Ava (who lives in Colorado) having fun in the bath. I laugh because this really makes Aubrie's hair look big. She is so skinny, but she has thick long black hair. Is that my child?

More Bath time with cousin Ava.

All three cousins were made these adorable hats by my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law and Mother-in-law are so handy with a needle. Maybe one day they can teach me how to sew something :)

Aubrie and her cousin were having fun playing in Grandma's dirt flower pots.

The small things that will entertain a one year old for hours.

Digging some more.

I know that this is a random picture...but I laugh everytime I see it. She was about to run and the way we captured this photo made it great. It looks like she is saluting, and that smile is adorable. What a cutie!!

I love these pictures of her....she looks like she is trying to pose for the camera. Great shots taken by Grandma.

The only thing was we couldn't get her to take her fingers out the mouth. This was around the time when she was getting a few teeth in her mouth.

This is her, "I'm not going to smile so just take the picture" look. It's hard to capture Aubrie when she is smiling. She doesn't care for the camera or video camera. So when we do get that picture of her smiling...we almost immediatley frame it.

Here she is smiling...doesn't she have a cute smile? You can't see it in this picture, but the one thing she does get from me is her dimples. She has two of them and they keep getting deeper as she get's older.


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