Monday, June 26, 2006

Fun in the Sun

Playing with her water buckets

Aubrie got a little wet but was a trooper

Playing with her cousin in the water. Aubrie is too cute when it comes to something new. She is such a girlie girl. It takes at least 30 minutes until she will try it out. So to see her playing that close to the hose with her cousin is fantanstic!

Aubrie's cousin is helping her fill the bucket up with some water. How cute!!

Her big cousin loves playing with Aubrie and Aubrie loves playing with her.

Resting on her flower pillow that Grandma made for her. We have one at our place as well, and she is so cute when she just runs and jumps on it. She loves to read her books and pretend that she is sleeping.

Playing pirates with her big cousin. Pretty cute pirates if you ask me!

Feeding little bear and big bear some yummy food.

Feeding her bear some more while sitting in Grandpa's lap


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