Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Men and women in our Family

I know most of you haven't had the luxury of meeting the men in my sisters and my life. So from the left we have my husband Chris, who stands at 6'4" tall. He is a great father and I thank God every day for such a wonderful man. He does such a great job with Aubrie. I love seeing the two of them interact with one another. Aubrie looks at Chris as her play buddy. He chases her around the house while she is laughing histerically. He is also a volleyball player and works as a finacial planner. So if anyone needs some finacial help, you can call Chris. He would be more than happy to help you out! Next you have Joey, which is Jaimies husband. The two of them live in Arizona. Joey stands at 5'10" (that's just a guess). He is a great golfer and a very sincere guy. In the middle we have the big daddy Jerry (my dad) who stands at 6'2". Him and my mom are living in Montana and loving the moutain life. I miss them with all my heart, and can't wait to visit with them. Then we have Paul, which is Heathers husband. Paul stands at 5'11" (also a guess). He is a head chef at one of the local restaraunts in Colorado. Paul is also a fantastic snowboarding from what I hear. I haven't had the chance to see him snowboard, but I can only imagine how good he is. Last you have Mike, which is Kim's husband. He stands at 5'10" (once again a guess). Mike is currently running for senator in his district in Colorado. The voting will begin in August of this year which then will determine if he has won the spot. They are 99% sure that he has already won. Go Mike!! So we will soon have a senator in the family. Hope this gives you more an idea of the guys in our family since we all do not get to see one another that often.

Here are all my beautiful sisters. From the left you have Jaimie, Heather, myself and Kim. Jaimie is still living in Arizona and Heather and Kim are in Colorado. It's pretty sad that my whole family now lives in the West, but I am really starting to like the area I live in. It also gives me a great place to vacation (smile). Miss all of you very much!!


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