Saturday, April 28, 2007

My cousin & me

My cousin Rebecca & her husband Ron are having a baby boy, whom their naming Jaymen Carter (hope I got the spelling right)! She is due at the beginning of July...right around the corner. Here are a few pictures of us at her shower this past weekend. You looked great Rebecca & we can't wait to meet your little boy.

Beck & Me

She was having trouble keeping her eyes open because the flash on my camera was to bright. But I thought these three turned out pretty cute.

Normally me and Beck are the same size...did you shrink Rebecca??


Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's a girl!

Yep...we are having another baby girl. I had my ultra sound yesterday afternoon, and our technician was 100% sure that it was a girl. I was extremely excited about the news right away. Chris on the other hand was not so sure about how he felt. He was really praying for a baby boy. But I told him that we can always try again later (smile).

We are naming her Makinzie Paige. Aubrie already has her name down pat. She actually says it very clear. For the past few months we would always ask Aubrie if she thought mommy was having a boy or girl. For the past month she has been saying a girl. So I guess she was right all along! I will have to say I had no clue whether it was a boy or girl. I was thrown off by a few of my family members who were having boys. It seemed like it was a boy season. Two of my sisters have boys, my cousin is having a boy & so is my sister-in-law. So I just figured that we would be having a boy as well. So I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I'll have to figure out how to get a picture of the ultra sound on the computer.

I'm starting to show now, so pregnancy pictures will be up sometime down the road. Hope all is well for everyone. Spring is in the air!!

PS the way. I started a new blog to keep a diary on my pregnancy. I will be posting pregnancy pictures on that site as well. You can check it out @ I figured it would be a good way to keep a memory of my pregnancy in case I forget certain parts.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A beautiful Spring day

So we had a beautiful day this past Saturday. We reached 78 degrees & sunny. So of course we spent most of the day outdoors. First we started off with a few spring pictures in our place. For some of you that don't know, we are putting our place on the market. So lots of preparations to do before the first showing. Chris and his dad spent the whole afternoon painting our place. So Aubrie and I decided to go over to Grandmas house & spend some time with her & get away from the fumes. It was nice just enjoying the weather & letting Aubrie run all over the place. She went right out that night & slept for 13 hours. That's my girl!!

Her cheesy smile.

This is one of my favorite pictures I've taken of her. I think she looks beautiful. Of course I am bias, considering I'm the mother. But I thought I would share my thoughts with you any way :)

She was blowing me a kiss.

This is her kiss face. It makes me laugh every time I see her do it.

To bad I cut off the top of my head. It came out pretty good considering I was the one taking the picture. And our camera isn't very tiny (smile).

This is a typical Aubrie look when you ask her to smile for the camera. We now have to ask her to give us a silly face if we want her to smile. I love this look though!

Aubrie played in this water glass pretty much the whole day. She was pouring water you can see in this picture. And below she was putting grass in the cup & pretending it was pasta for the birds. Once she was done cooking it, she would throw it up in the air for the birds to eat.

Chris's mom brought out this butterfly game for Aubrie to play with. She had a fun time for a few minutes. You would put these butterflies on the end of this board and with your foot you would make the butterflies fly in the air. Aubrie was holding the net to catch them. They came pretty fast, so we ended up just throwing them ourselves into her net. Very cute game!

So much for the butterfly game. I think she lasted about 2 minutes with the "actual" game. She thought it was much more fun to wear the net as a hat.

Can you see me? This is one of her favorite games to play. She covers her eyes and she thinks we really can't see her anymore. The innocence of kids.

See you later alligators!!


Friday, April 20, 2007

My nephew Soran

Here is Soran at 6 weeks old. My sister Kim just sent over a handful of pictures & I thought I would share them with some of you who didn't receive these. Kim says that he has been sleeping a 7-8 hour stretch in the middle of the night. Way to go Soran!! We can't wait to meet you in person. Now I just need to convince Kim to set up a blog site so it would be easier for everyone (smile).

It's only cute when they are this little (smile).


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Where Chris & I first met....

Every year for the past 3 years both Chris & I have played in a tournament supporting the cancer society. This tournament was where Chris & I first met. So there are a lot of memories every time we go. This year we placed 3rd out of 8 teams. I believe we could have taken it the whole way. But we had a good time just hanging out with everyone. And this was my last volleyball game until our little baby is born. Here are a few pictures taken of the team. Sorry it may be hard to see, but I wanted to post this for memory sake.

Chris & me

Me & my friend Deann

The whole team!

What a good looking team I might add (smile)!!


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Late Easter

We were able to spend most of the day with Chris parents on Easter day. We had an egg hunt set up for her when she got there. I will have to say I was very impressed with her ability to spot some of the eggs. She had such a blast & was so excited each time she found a brand new one. Now I know why parents go through so much to set up games & fun traditions for each holiday. Just seeing how excited she was made me smile from ear to ear.

I think I could carry just one more egg!

Here's an egg....

And another....

I could keep going with the captions, but I would imagine you all would get a little annoyed (smile). So I will spare you just this one time.

This was the first egg that she found. And you can see by the smile on her face how excited she was.

The easter bunny also brought Aubrie an umbrella. It was just her now she doesn't have to borrow mine anymore.

Our wonderful family!! Aubrie once again did not want to cooperate with the photo shot. The story of her life.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I missed my whole family & thought about each and every one of you. Hugs & kisses-Love April, Chris & Aubrie


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A day at the park

Doesn't this look like a professional picture (smile)? I love our camera!! It makes the pictures look so good most of the time. The best pictures of Aubrie seem to be the ones where she is not posing. Since she doesn't like to smile for the camera we have to think of alternative ways to get a good picture.

Our big jumper. She jumps all over the place. She was trying to jump from the grass to the pavement.

On our way to the park. Aubrie found a walking stick so she could use it for the long walk. I love this picture....the grass looks so green.

Aubrie was trying to interact with this little boy while at the park. Can you believe that this little boy is only 3 months younger than Aubrie???? This will show you how tall she is getting & how mature she looks for her age.

The fun must come to an end....