Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's a girl!

Yep...we are having another baby girl. I had my ultra sound yesterday afternoon, and our technician was 100% sure that it was a girl. I was extremely excited about the news right away. Chris on the other hand was not so sure about how he felt. He was really praying for a baby boy. But I told him that we can always try again later (smile).

We are naming her Makinzie Paige. Aubrie already has her name down pat. She actually says it very clear. For the past few months we would always ask Aubrie if she thought mommy was having a boy or girl. For the past month she has been saying a girl. So I guess she was right all along! I will have to say I had no clue whether it was a boy or girl. I was thrown off by a few of my family members who were having boys. It seemed like it was a boy season. Two of my sisters have boys, my cousin is having a boy & so is my sister-in-law. So I just figured that we would be having a boy as well. So I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I'll have to figure out how to get a picture of the ultra sound on the computer.

I'm starting to show now, so pregnancy pictures will be up sometime down the road. Hope all is well for everyone. Spring is in the air!!

PS the way. I started a new blog to keep a diary on my pregnancy. I will be posting pregnancy pictures on that site as well. You can check it out @ I figured it would be a good way to keep a memory of my pregnancy in case I forget certain parts.


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