Sunday, April 22, 2007

A beautiful Spring day

So we had a beautiful day this past Saturday. We reached 78 degrees & sunny. So of course we spent most of the day outdoors. First we started off with a few spring pictures in our place. For some of you that don't know, we are putting our place on the market. So lots of preparations to do before the first showing. Chris and his dad spent the whole afternoon painting our place. So Aubrie and I decided to go over to Grandmas house & spend some time with her & get away from the fumes. It was nice just enjoying the weather & letting Aubrie run all over the place. She went right out that night & slept for 13 hours. That's my girl!!

Her cheesy smile.

This is one of my favorite pictures I've taken of her. I think she looks beautiful. Of course I am bias, considering I'm the mother. But I thought I would share my thoughts with you any way :)

She was blowing me a kiss.

This is her kiss face. It makes me laugh every time I see her do it.

To bad I cut off the top of my head. It came out pretty good considering I was the one taking the picture. And our camera isn't very tiny (smile).

This is a typical Aubrie look when you ask her to smile for the camera. We now have to ask her to give us a silly face if we want her to smile. I love this look though!

Aubrie played in this water glass pretty much the whole day. She was pouring water you can see in this picture. And below she was putting grass in the cup & pretending it was pasta for the birds. Once she was done cooking it, she would throw it up in the air for the birds to eat.

Chris's mom brought out this butterfly game for Aubrie to play with. She had a fun time for a few minutes. You would put these butterflies on the end of this board and with your foot you would make the butterflies fly in the air. Aubrie was holding the net to catch them. They came pretty fast, so we ended up just throwing them ourselves into her net. Very cute game!

So much for the butterfly game. I think she lasted about 2 minutes with the "actual" game. She thought it was much more fun to wear the net as a hat.

Can you see me? This is one of her favorite games to play. She covers her eyes and she thinks we really can't see her anymore. The innocence of kids.

See you later alligators!!



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