Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Late Easter

We were able to spend most of the day with Chris parents on Easter day. We had an egg hunt set up for her when she got there. I will have to say I was very impressed with her ability to spot some of the eggs. She had such a blast & was so excited each time she found a brand new one. Now I know why parents go through so much to set up games & fun traditions for each holiday. Just seeing how excited she was made me smile from ear to ear.

I think I could carry just one more egg!

Here's an egg....

And another....

I could keep going with the captions, but I would imagine you all would get a little annoyed (smile). So I will spare you just this one time.

This was the first egg that she found. And you can see by the smile on her face how excited she was.

The easter bunny also brought Aubrie an umbrella. It was just her now she doesn't have to borrow mine anymore.

Our wonderful family!! Aubrie once again did not want to cooperate with the photo shot. The story of her life.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I missed my whole family & thought about each and every one of you. Hugs & kisses-Love April, Chris & Aubrie



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