Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick Or Treat

So this was Aubrie's first trick or treat outing. She wasn't very sure what we were doing, and why we dressed her up in the lion outfit again. She did however love getting the candy. She would try and take more than one at each house. And because she was so adorable she got what she wanted (smile). She wanted to eat the candy right away, and would get upset that we were walking away from the houses. So for her first halloween outing, she did great...and it brought back a lot of fun memories from my childhood. Here's a picture of the first house we went to.

Our little lion.

Mommy & Aubrie

Daddy & Aubrie

Digging in her candy bag to eat it up.

More trick or treating.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Pumpkin Farm Trip

Starting the day by picking out a few pumpkins....I love Fall!!

Playing in the hay.

For all of you that know Aubrie pretty well...you know that she does not care for anything on her that shouldn't be there. Here she is taking all the hay off her sweater one by one. She sat there for about 5 minutes saying, "Uh Oh" over and over again.

A couple minutes later she is still picking it off.

Here she is walking through the corn maze...she wasn't to impressed with this one.

Do you notice that Aubrie went under the rope? Usually that means do not enter, but she loves to smell flowers. No one stops her from smelling them.

She was running to see the BIG horse she loves. You will see a picture of her below.

Aubrie loves this horse. It is one of the biggest horses I have ever seen. This pictures does not do justice on how big she really is.

This picture didn't turn out to bad. It was just Aubrie and me at the farm, so I wanted to try and get a picture of the two of us. Thanks to my long arms, I was able to get both our heads in the picture. If only Aubrie was looking and smiling....that would be asking too much.



Down....she is so cute when she is trying to look at the animals. She is at that awkward height where she is too tall to just stand straight up and look through the fence. She has to squat down to see.

I told Aubrie to peek through the pumpkin, and she did exactly what I asked her to do. Just the wrong side :)

There we go....what a cute pumpkin!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Here is Aubrie's halloween outfit. I couldn't wait till Halloween to post a picture of her...so here it is. This outfit was made by her Grandma. Thank you Grandma!!!! She looks adorable in it. It was pretty cute when we first put it on her we went to the mirror so she could see it on. All she could do was smile. She thought it was pretty neat. All morning she has been roaring like a lion and asking to wear the head piece. She is going to be the best looking lion that night.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

New and funny phrases

So Aubrie has grown up over night. She made me laugh this past weekend when we were driving in the car. My cousin Rebecca was in the front seat and we were sitting at a stop light. About 20 seconds had gone by and all of sudden Aubrie told me to "Just Go". It came out of no where, and was so funny. That just shows you how much they are listening to your every word. She also has started to say "No Way". Normally she would just say "No", but she has added the way to it. I was sitting on the kitchen floor putting away groceries and she came up and sat next to me and said "Hi". That right there made me realize how grown up she is getting. She is still my little girl, but growing so quickly.

She thinks it's pretty funny when her clothes get caught on her head.

Here is a few pictures of Aubrie trying on some shoes. She spends the majority of her time during the day over by the shoes. I put out most of her shoes so she can practice putting them on and off. She is getting pretty good.

The toy that is right in front of Aubrie plays all sorts of fun music. Aubrie was playing them over and over again while dancing and spinning. She would spin so much that she would fall over. She was having a great time.

Brusing her beautiful hair...if only I could get her to brush and play with my hair now :)

Chris does this thing with the our ceiling fans. He ask Aubrie if she wants a hair cut and she always says yes. So he picks her up and pretends the fan is cutting her hair. She laughs and laughs the whole time.

Our bathing beauty!