Sunday, October 01, 2006

New and funny phrases

So Aubrie has grown up over night. She made me laugh this past weekend when we were driving in the car. My cousin Rebecca was in the front seat and we were sitting at a stop light. About 20 seconds had gone by and all of sudden Aubrie told me to "Just Go". It came out of no where, and was so funny. That just shows you how much they are listening to your every word. She also has started to say "No Way". Normally she would just say "No", but she has added the way to it. I was sitting on the kitchen floor putting away groceries and she came up and sat next to me and said "Hi". That right there made me realize how grown up she is getting. She is still my little girl, but growing so quickly.

She thinks it's pretty funny when her clothes get caught on her head.

Here is a few pictures of Aubrie trying on some shoes. She spends the majority of her time during the day over by the shoes. I put out most of her shoes so she can practice putting them on and off. She is getting pretty good.

The toy that is right in front of Aubrie plays all sorts of fun music. Aubrie was playing them over and over again while dancing and spinning. She would spin so much that she would fall over. She was having a great time.

Brusing her beautiful hair...if only I could get her to brush and play with my hair now :)

Chris does this thing with the our ceiling fans. He ask Aubrie if she wants a hair cut and she always says yes. So he picks her up and pretends the fan is cutting her hair. She laughs and laughs the whole time.

Our bathing beauty!


At 7:32 PM , Blogger Young Family said...

Aubrie is definately growing up quickly...she is a real cutie...Chris is going to have a lot of work to do in the future (keeping all of the boys away from her)....


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