Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick Or Treat

So this was Aubrie's first trick or treat outing. She wasn't very sure what we were doing, and why we dressed her up in the lion outfit again. She did however love getting the candy. She would try and take more than one at each house. And because she was so adorable she got what she wanted (smile). She wanted to eat the candy right away, and would get upset that we were walking away from the houses. So for her first halloween outing, she did great...and it brought back a lot of fun memories from my childhood. Here's a picture of the first house we went to.

Our little lion.

Mommy & Aubrie

Daddy & Aubrie

Digging in her candy bag to eat it up.

More trick or treating.


At 10:15 AM , Blogger Beth said...

she is too cute!! I can't wait for Chloe to be big enough to trick or treat - it will be so much fun!

At 4:45 PM , Blogger April said...

Beth, You'll have a blast!! This year was probally more fun for Chris and I than Aubrie (smile)

At 8:07 PM , Blogger Young Family said...

We took Hunter trick or treating for the 2nd year, and he had a blast...I can't get over how cute Aubrie is, especially in that Lion costume...talk about adorable.


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