Thursday, September 28, 2006

Doll making and early morning with Aubrie

I am proud to say that below is the first real thing I have ever made by hand (except for a very lumpy pillow back in high school...not sure if that counts). My sister-in-law talked me through each step, and I was able to finish it within two days. His name is Chip, and I am pretty proud of him.

Here is Aubrie's first real smile when asked to smile for the camera. Too bad the picture is a little blurry, but I couldn't help but show all of you. She is so hard to capture in the "happy" moment.

This is one of Aubrie's favorite things to do each day. She will look outside of our patio door at all the things going on. She knows when a certain school bus is supossed to come by. She knows when the dumpster is do to pull up, and she loves watching all the people mowing their lawns.

She will also stand on the couch that faces outside. So she goes from standing in front of the porch door (as seen above). Then proceeds to jump on the couch and pier outside from there.

I caught her trying to turn the TV on. I couldn't capture the picture I wanted to show you. She normally holds the controller up in the air pushing every button she can.

Here's a few pictures of Aubrie busy playing.

Getting tickled by Daddy...what's funny is she always asks for more tickling from Chris. She loves it!

Here she is cleaning on kitchen chairs. She loves to wipe and clean things up. She can't stand for our house to be dirty. She will find the smallest thing on the floor and immedietly throw is away in the garbage. I can't wait for her to get older, so I can have a cleaning buddy (smile).

Cleaning the back and front of the chair. It must have been dirty...thanks Aubrie.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Getting Big

So I borrowed my mother-in-laws digital camera for the week so I can try and get more of a variety on my blog. The funny thing was the first picture I took was of Chris & you will see below. For those of you that have a digital camera ( not the fancy ones that take pictures every second), you know that there is a delay in the snap before it's actually taken. So when you are trying to capture a great picture of a 20 month old. It's pretty hard to get one. Well, I thought this picture was pretty darn good. Good enough to copy and put right in a frame :) And it was the first picture I took for the day.

Ok...just one kiss! I have a reputation to uphold.

Aubrie does this thing when you are kissing her sometimes. She smashes her head as hard as she can on your lips. As you can see her eye is being smashed in the meantime.

The jacket Aubrie is wearing below was a gift given to her for this upcoming Fall season. I think it's adorable! And she matches our rug...perfect.

I just went out this past weekend and bought Aubrie a booster chair. I finally broke down and decided that she is ready for one. I think I was sticking with the highchair because it was less messy. But I know that she is getting so big, and it's nice to have her at the table with us during our eating times. She loves it too. She drives Chris and I nuts sometimes though, because she will climb in and out of it for hours. She is obsessed with things that buckle, snap, zip, etc... So this booster seat is great for buckling. She will climb in and buckle herself to the seat and then wine for either Chris or myself to come and un-buckle it. She hasn't quite figured out how to un-buckle it herself. Which is a good thing, because eating would be a challenge.

She just buckled know what comes next?

LET ME OUT OF THIS THING!! This is the face she makes when she is wining for us to come and un-buckle her. Imagine her doing this for over an hour. Fun, fun, fun!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Riverwalk in Naperville

So my mom, my cousin Rebecca, and me & my daughter went to the Riverwalk in Naperville this past weekend. It's always a nice treat to walk down there during the summer months. The flowers are gorgeous!! And of course it was wonderful to be able to spend the day with my mom and my cousin. I'm sad to say that my mom has flown back to Montana....she will be missed! We had a great time while she was in town and can't wait to see you again! We love you. Aubrie wanted me to tell you that she enjoyed ever moment you two spent together and she also said thank you for being so understanding while she cried at night (smile).

Up, up, up and away!

I love this picture. All of these pictures were taken by Rebecca...good job Beck!

Hey there!

Aubrie splashing her feet in the water. It was pretty hot that day, so we were all trying to stay cool.

This is how you throw money into the water fountain Grandma.

Aubrie and Grandma looking at all the ducks. The ducks were so funny. You can tell that they are used to seeing people everyday. I was taking a picture of Aubrie & my mom and up comes a duck...a few seconds later there was another one that followed. They were inches away from me. I thought it was prettty neat.

Aubrie smelling all the flowers.

Me & my wonderful daughter. She once again was refusing to take a picture. Oh well...she still is cute too me.