Monday, September 11, 2006

Riverwalk in Naperville

So my mom, my cousin Rebecca, and me & my daughter went to the Riverwalk in Naperville this past weekend. It's always a nice treat to walk down there during the summer months. The flowers are gorgeous!! And of course it was wonderful to be able to spend the day with my mom and my cousin. I'm sad to say that my mom has flown back to Montana....she will be missed! We had a great time while she was in town and can't wait to see you again! We love you. Aubrie wanted me to tell you that she enjoyed ever moment you two spent together and she also said thank you for being so understanding while she cried at night (smile).

Up, up, up and away!

I love this picture. All of these pictures were taken by Rebecca...good job Beck!

Hey there!

Aubrie splashing her feet in the water. It was pretty hot that day, so we were all trying to stay cool.

This is how you throw money into the water fountain Grandma.

Aubrie and Grandma looking at all the ducks. The ducks were so funny. You can tell that they are used to seeing people everyday. I was taking a picture of Aubrie & my mom and up comes a duck...a few seconds later there was another one that followed. They were inches away from me. I thought it was prettty neat.

Aubrie smelling all the flowers.

Me & my wonderful daughter. She once again was refusing to take a picture. Oh well...she still is cute too me.


At 7:47 AM , Blogger becs said...

Hey, the second to last one I put in cartoon effect. That's why it looks different. I thought it was kidna cool.

At 11:15 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

I LOVE that last shot of you and the babe. Cute... and my other fav one is Aubrie smelling the flowers. When are you going to make it to visit? : )

At 1:35 PM , Blogger April said...

If only Aubrie would enjoy taking a picture one of these's always a struggle with her. Visiting...well we just need to talk and put a date on the calendar. Tuesdays are the only days that don't work for me. I was thinking that you, Beck & me should all meet downtown before it starts to get really cold. What do you think?


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