Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Family Pictures

Once upon a time....
Grandma is reading to all the girls while they are listening with ears and eyes opened wide.

Uncle Chris showing his loving side with his nieces

Picture take 1: Chris and I looking pretty good

Picture take 2: I'm looking pretty good, but Chris on the other hand not so good...cute but silly (smile).

Aubrie was not in the mood for picture taking as you will see in the next few below. She wanted nothing to do with the camera, so we ended up being unsuccessful with a great family picture. We'll try again some other time.

She decided to take her pants off at the end of the day. This has been an ongoing thing for the past few weeks. Taking her shoes off, her shirt, pants and of course her diaper. No big accidents quite yet!

All the cousins just chilling out.

Don't smile too big Aubrie.

This was the only family picture that turned out half way decent. We took about 40 other pictures, and this is the best we could find.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I created a Slide Show! Check it out!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Aubrie Continued....

Here is a picture of the girls sharing their bears and babies. They play really sweet with one least for now they do (smile).

I thought that this picture looked pretty professional. Not to shabby!!

Little Miss Aubrie

Aubrie is now 18 months old...she is getting so big! Not to mention she is right around the corner from turning 2...which we have seen signs of that already! She is climbing on everything from table chairs, kitchen chairs, side tables, mom & dad's bed, and a whole lot more. I look away for 2 seconds and she is climbing on something. She is talking more and more each day. She has started to say two word sentences more often and I believe that she is one of the smartest girls out there (smile)!!

More updates on the Colorado Cousins

From the left you have Ethan (age 9), Roxy (7 months), Meghan (age 11), Ava (age 2 1/2), & Allie-Grace (age 6). All of my nieces and nephews are so beautiful and Ethan is so handsome!! I miss all of you so much and can't wait to see you guys soon. Keep smiling. Love your Aunt April

Kim's guys are getting so big!

Ethan and Roxy

Allie-Grace and Roxy.

Roxy Roo

Meghan and Roxy

Heather and Ava....gorgeous picture Heather!!



Good call on the black and white photo. These always seem to turn out well!

Roxy and Heather

Roxy at the end of bath time.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Summer Time Fun

So it's been a long time since I have posted any pictures. Things have been pretty crazy lately. But I would like to say that they are getting back to normal...slowly but surely. Here are a few pictures that were taken at Grandma's house. I will post a few more tomorrow morning...I am having trouble downloading the others for some reason. So check again in a couple days. Hope everyone is well and once again enjoy the pictures. Aubrie is now 17 months old...she is getting so big!!

Running in the wind

Just monkeying around

Here are a few photos with her wearing a bonnet. This one is her cousins....she has one of her own but refuses to wear it when she is by herself. Both her cousins were wearing them, so of course Aubrie wanted to put one as well. Whatever gets her to wear a hat when she is outdoors is fine with me!!

Some more pictures of her with the bonnet on.

All the cousins together. They were playing in Grandma's backyard picking up grass and throwing it into the woods behind their house. Once again....the little things that amuse kids for hours (smile).

Run Aubrie Run

We were attempting to get Aubrie to you can see we were NOT successful. But Aubries cousin in the middle had no problem showing her smile off. It was so cute. She was saying cheese for 30 seconds straight.
She made me laugh!

Another wonderful smile by Aubrie.

I love these pictures when they are holding hands...too cute!!

Grandma and Aubrie

This was one of my favorite pictures of Aubrie and Chris. They both look adorable!