Friday, August 18, 2006

More updates on the Colorado Cousins

From the left you have Ethan (age 9), Roxy (7 months), Meghan (age 11), Ava (age 2 1/2), & Allie-Grace (age 6). All of my nieces and nephews are so beautiful and Ethan is so handsome!! I miss all of you so much and can't wait to see you guys soon. Keep smiling. Love your Aunt April

Kim's guys are getting so big!

Ethan and Roxy

Allie-Grace and Roxy.

Roxy Roo

Meghan and Roxy

Heather and Ava....gorgeous picture Heather!!



Good call on the black and white photo. These always seem to turn out well!

Roxy and Heather

Roxy at the end of bath time.


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