Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Family Pictures

Once upon a time....
Grandma is reading to all the girls while they are listening with ears and eyes opened wide.

Uncle Chris showing his loving side with his nieces

Picture take 1: Chris and I looking pretty good

Picture take 2: I'm looking pretty good, but Chris on the other hand not so good...cute but silly (smile).

Aubrie was not in the mood for picture taking as you will see in the next few below. She wanted nothing to do with the camera, so we ended up being unsuccessful with a great family picture. We'll try again some other time.

She decided to take her pants off at the end of the day. This has been an ongoing thing for the past few weeks. Taking her shoes off, her shirt, pants and of course her diaper. No big accidents quite yet!

All the cousins just chilling out.

Don't smile too big Aubrie.

This was the only family picture that turned out half way decent. We took about 40 other pictures, and this is the best we could find.


At 6:38 PM , Blogger becs said...

Soooo Cute! Love Ya!

At 1:12 PM , Blogger Beth said...

very Cute photos!!


At 9:28 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

too cute. You can really see each of your personalities in the photos : )

At 4:08 PM , Blogger Kathy said...

Hi there April, I am one of Rebecca's friends, we met at Jason and Lisa's wedding (Danany). It is so great to see your little girl she is so cute. It is also great to see Heather with her little one too!

Keep well..!


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