Friday, July 14, 2006

All about me

So I'm sure most all of you, if not everyone, visit's my site to see pictures of Aubrie and how she is growing. Don't worry, I'm not changing anything. I just thought today I would give you an update on how things are going in my own life. So here is goes....

Just this past weekend I ended up breaking my big toe playing sand volleyball. Not sure how I managed to do that playing sand, but I did. The first day wasn't too bad until I reached the 2nd and the 3rd. I never knew a toe could cause so much pain. The first day at work with my injury was very interesting. I couldn't take hard core medication due to the possiblity of falling asleep or saying something that I couldn't remember saying later (smile). So I took a few advil and proceeded to work with my ice pack in the other hand. I arrived at work and started to try and prop my foot up. Let's just say that my room was not designed for injuries. The best I could do was put my keyboard on my lap and push my chair about 4 feet away from my computer monitor (Darn long legs...thanks Dad!!). I didn't have my glasses with me, so seeing the print was very difficult. I managed to make it through the day and finished quite a bit of work. I was very proud of myself :) Six days later my foot is already showing signs of recovery. I am starting to see some bruising around the toe and the swelling has gone down.

Having an injury with Aubrie was pretty funny. She didn't quite understand why I wasn't my usual run around the house and play with Aubrie self. I told her that my toe had an "owie". She proceeded to kiss my "owie" which made it 100% better at that moment. So for the past few days she remembers that I have an "owie" and wants to kiss it. Sweet girl!! The funny part was when she kissed it she thought I should be up and running again. Because when I kiss her "owie" she is ready to go. Kids...gotta love them!!

So work has been pretty slow these past few weeks. I do have a handful of shows coming up at the end of August, so I'm ready to get started. The slow days can really drag and it gives me more time to think about Aubrie...which is a good and bad thing. Goood because I love looking at pictures of her (which I have ton's right in front of me) and bad because I am wishing I could be there to play with her. But I know that God has his timing in everthing...and I soon will be able to stay home full-time with her. I am greatful for Aubrie's wonderful babysitter during the day...Grandma! Thanks a bunch for taking care of Aubrie, Chris and I both appreciate your hard work and love you bring to her.

It's supossed to be in the high 90's this weekend with a whole lot of humidity. This is the one time I really dislike Illinois. Humidity means sweating and mosquitos....not a good combination. Chris, Aubrie and me are heading downtown Chicago on Saturday to help Aunt Janna with a few repairs needed in her home. I think I might take Aubrie's stroller and walk around downtown. I love that atmosphere and being outside. Maybe we will head down to the Lake. I'm sure it will be jam backed on Saturday though. We could walk in a few of the stores and windown shop also.

Hope all is well for everyone and check in later to see some updated pictures of our sweet girl. I am hoping to get some pictures of myself when I was little to do the comparision as well.

Love you guys,
Peace Out!!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blast from the Past

I have come to the realization that Aubrie looks just like her daddy. And that is OK, because he sure was a cute baby. Take a look below at the comparisons and let me know what you think. When I have a little more time I will download some pictures of myself when I was little and compare Aubrie and I as well...but I have a feeling that we are going to look completely opposite.

Here is Aubrie the first day in the hospital.

Here is Chris the first day in the hospital. Notice the noses and the same powty lips.

Here is Aubrie at 6 months old

Here is Chris at 5 months old. I think they look a like at this age especially.

Aubrie at 13 months old

Chris at 13 months old as well. He was such a cute little boy!

Here are a few extras for everyones enjoyment.....

I believe that Chris's mom said that is jelly all over his mouth. Notice how different the walkers are from the 70's versus the year 2000....what a change!
Chris as 6 months old

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Chris at 19 months old

Aubrie makes this face a lot, we just haven't been able to capture it on camera quite yet. Once we do I will send it your way.
Chris at 2 years old

Showing his feminine side off.
Chris at 19 months old

That pink piece on his head was his sisters tu-tu. He was always making jokes, even when he was a youngster. That is what I love about him...he has such a great sense of humor.
Chris at 2 years old

Miss 4th of July

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. Chris, Aubrie and myself had a nice relaxing 4th at his parents house. We started the day off with the cutest & smallest parade I've ever seen. This parade was defiently all for the kids! We started all together and in front of us were two fire trucks and one ambulance. They proceeded to drive forward while honking their horns and putting on their sirens. All the kids would travel behind on their bikes, roller skates, skate boards and in their strollers. We walked about a 1/2 mile to the neighborhood clubhouse were they served hotdogs and drinks. The day was gorgeous and Aubrie seemed to enjoy all the kids and the trucks. We then proceeded to head over to Chris's parents house for a nice cookout. I was stuffed by the end of the day with all the food I ate...but we all had a great time.

Here she is running in the grass.

Here we are being patriotic!


Here was one of the two firetrucks. They put on a show for all the kids when we were resting at the clubhouse. They were showing all the kids how high up the ladder can go and which way it can move....the kids loved it.

Grandpa with his three grandkids. Aubrie wasn't to sure about hopping in the fire truck at first, but she was a trooper and didn't say a word.

And here it is ladies and big smile from Aubrie. And yes, this one will be framed!