Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blast from the Past

I have come to the realization that Aubrie looks just like her daddy. And that is OK, because he sure was a cute baby. Take a look below at the comparisons and let me know what you think. When I have a little more time I will download some pictures of myself when I was little and compare Aubrie and I as well...but I have a feeling that we are going to look completely opposite.

Here is Aubrie the first day in the hospital.

Here is Chris the first day in the hospital. Notice the noses and the same powty lips.

Here is Aubrie at 6 months old

Here is Chris at 5 months old. I think they look a like at this age especially.

Aubrie at 13 months old

Chris at 13 months old as well. He was such a cute little boy!

Here are a few extras for everyones enjoyment.....

I believe that Chris's mom said that is jelly all over his mouth. Notice how different the walkers are from the 70's versus the year 2000....what a change!
Chris as 6 months old

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Chris at 19 months old

Aubrie makes this face a lot, we just haven't been able to capture it on camera quite yet. Once we do I will send it your way.
Chris at 2 years old

Showing his feminine side off.
Chris at 19 months old

That pink piece on his head was his sisters tu-tu. He was always making jokes, even when he was a youngster. That is what I love about him...he has such a great sense of humor.
Chris at 2 years old


At 4:24 PM , Blogger Lisa said...



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