Friday, June 15, 2007

Babies, babies & more babies

There have been so many babies born in the family just over the past month. I wanted to get our Congratulations out for everyone. Looks like the boys are over ruling the girls this summer :)

Here are the babies that were just born over the past week....

My cousin Rebecca and her little boy: This is their 1st child.Congratulations!!

My sister-in-law & brother-in-laws new baby boy: This is their 3rd child. It looks like maybe this little guy will be having blonde hair. What makes that so neat is the fact that their other two children have different colored hair as well. One is a red head & the other has dark brown. So how much fun would it be to have one blonde, one dark & one red. Fun!!!! Congratulations!!

Here are the babies that were born more than 3 weeks ago....

My sister Kim had her 4th child, a baby boy.

My cousin Melissa & her husband had their 1st child, a baby girl.

And of course there is still me and my sister Jaimie who are both due around the same time. Jaimie is due in August & I am due in the babies will just keep coming (smile).


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