Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quick Family Reunion

Because of a unfortunate situation with my Grandpa being in the hospital (my mom's Dad). My sisters, Mom & Dad flew in from the West for a quick weekend visit. And by quick, I mean they flew in Thursday night & flew out Saturday evening. So time with them was short but sweet. And I am very happy to say that my Grandpa is out of the hospital & at home. He is recovering quite well. I posted a few pictures of the family over the weekend.

My sister Kim's newest member of their family....Soran.

My sister Heather & her two adorable kids Ava & Roxy.

My sister Jaimie is due this August with her first. She is having a baby boy. We were able to throw her a baby shower with the family at the last moment. It turned out to be a fun little party. Congratulations look great!!

My niece Ava & my cousins daughter Julia.

All my cousins, sisters & their babies. Well, this is about half of my cousins (smile).

My Dad & Aubrie.

My cousins Rebecca & Melissa. Melissa just had a little girl over the past month. Rebecca had her baby just a week ago. I will post them on a separate one.

My sisters Heather, Kim, Jaimie & of course me.


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