Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trip to the local Zoo

So today was in the low 70's....it was wonderful!! Spring is right around the corner, and we can't wait. We decided to take a trip out to our local Zoo. Every time we go it gets a little better. Aubrie is starting to really notice a lot of new things & take advantage of all the fun things this place has to offer. Aubrie's Grandma (Debbie) was able to join us for the day. We all had a great time just hanging out & enjoying the beautiful weather. We took a picnic lunch with us & took our time. Now I remember why I love warm weather so much more than the cold stuff.

Our first trip was to see the sheep. Normally they are within petting range, but today they were wanting to be by themselves. So I think we spent about 10 seconds looking at them & Aubrie was out the door looking for more animals :-)

Looking at the llama's....she told me this was her favorite animal of the day.

The animals are really neat at this zoo, because they are so used to being around so many people that they don't hesitate to be just inches from your face. This llama was just as close to me as in the picture.

This was the best picture that I was able to capture with Grandma & Aubrie. Sometimes when you tell her to smile she only raises her eyebrows.

Looking at the raccoons....these were her 2nd favorite animal of the day.

She was making all these silly faces for a few seconds. She had me laughing!

Are you talking to me????

What's nice about this zoo is the open space they have for the kids to just run & play. Here she is just sitting & watching all the cars go by.

This was the best picture of the two of us. Aubrie was not cooperating when it came to the still ones. Oh well...she still looks cute!

Aubrie's Grandma chasing Aubrie around. If it wasn't for the help of Debbie, I would have had my hands full. And I'm having another baby in less than 6 months....YIKES!! Aubrie has become Miss Independent lately. So she runs everywhere. Thanks for all your help Debbie

They have this old train caboose that they let the kids walk up & down. Normally the doors are open so they can run in & out, but it was still closed from the winter months.

I love this picture of her....she looks so big & grown-up.

Aubrie has loved jumping off of everything over the past week. I have to say she is getting really good at it (her athleticism is coming out slowly but surely). She wants to try everything, no matter if it's small or big. So we have to watch out for her more. I guess it will take one big fall for her to realize that she is not invinsible :-)

Jumping off of a window sill.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Where has my little baby gone??

Aubrie is getting soooo big! Her new thing this past week is she has realized that she can sing with the songs on the radio & in some of her books. She has the cutest singing voice & is so proud of herself when she finishes. And Chris & I are proud of her too :-)

We have decided to try & get rid of her passifier as well. She has been only needing it when she takes a nap during the day & evening since she's been one. Now that she is 2 years old our goal was to have her broken of it before baby #2 is here. I will say that she is doing very well. Chris just cut the tip off, and is planning on cutting it every week a little more. The funny thing is that she still sleeps with it at night. But I'm much more comfortable knowing that she can't suck on it. She fell asleep on the couch about 2 days ago WITHOUT the passifier, so that was a huge accomplishment on her part.

Another stage we are enduring is the "anti" afternoon nap. This started when we first cut her passifer. So I'm sure she is just trying to cope without it. In the meantime she refuses to take a nap. Which is taking an toll on both of us. I've heard that most kids go through a stage like this, and I should continue to keep attempting for her to take a nap. And she will eventually fall back into her old routine. I'm praying that advice works in the end. Because she is not ready to give that nap up. She gets a little crazy by 5pm the evenings with no nap. And is so hard to manage or reason with her. So that tells me not to give it up quite yet. Otherwise, she has been growing up so much.

Her cute phrases are: 1. No way Joseaday, 2. I'll be right back, 3. WOW Mama, 4. Just one more minute (I wonder where she got that from), 5. I love you more. We are all getting really excited for our 2nd addition to come into our family. I am about 13 weeks & still not showing yet. Which for me is great! I'm feeling much better & looking forward to moving into the 2nd trimester. Hope you enjoy the updated pictures of our not so little girl anymore.

I love the daughter & daddy pictures.

She does this thing when you want to give her a hug or kiss & she doesn't want one. She'll go limp. Sometimes she'll catch us off guard, and almost fall right out of our arms. Oh Aubrie!!


What a good hugger!!

She has discovered our photo albums this past week. So every day she pulls them out (we have 3 we display) & will look through each page. This keeps her busy for at least 30 minutes out of the day.

Even though Aubrie has never been one to smile all the time. She has always had the best faces since day one. Here are a few classic Aubrie looks....

This was one of Aubrie's birthday presents from her family in Colorado. Thanks Kopp Family! It came with musical wings, a musical wand & a princess crown. I was pleasantly surprised at how much Aubrie took to dressing up. I taught her how to work the wand. So now she goes up to me or Chris & will turn us into a frog...very cute!

I turned around to Aubrie putting on Chris's dress pants. I still can't believe she was able to pull them all the way up & walk in them...it was defiantly a lot more humorous in person. But I thought you might get a kick out of the picture anyway.