Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fun with Grandma Jo

Both Aubrie and I had a great time while my mom was in town. She came and stayed with us for a few nights. We were blessed with some beautiful weather while she was here. Here are a few pictures of Aubrie and my mom (aka Grandma Jo). Aubrie had so much fun....thanks mom for playing & spending so much time with both of us. We miss you already! But I'm sure Dad is happy to have you home again (smile).

One of my favorite pictures of Aubrie. Enjoying the ride in Grandma Jo's truck. She was able to have her car seat strapped in the front and sit by both me and my mom. She thought it was the coolest thing ever!

I love this picture. I just wish I could have figured out how to get my mom in focus with Aubrie. Sometimes my camera is way to complex for me to figure out.

Jumping again & again and again. She never stops jumping off of new things. She is becoming more daring & loving every second of it.


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