Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oh to be pregnant again

Well, I finally made my way into the doctors office this afternoon. We received the due date of September 16th. I am 8 weeks & 4 days along. Everything seems so surreal to me this time around. I know I've done this before, but at times it seems like I am just as excited when they told me my due date for the Aubrie. I was so happy being pregnant the 1st time, and I don't feel that this time will be any different. Except of course for the nausea & constant headaches. The nausea has started to go away for the most part, but I find myself falling asleep on the couch more often. I am in bed by 9pm most every night & could sleep in till 9am if Chris & Aubrie let me. That part I could defiantly do without, and I know that Chris would agree (smile). I don't have any cravings, per say, but there are a few things that make me want to vomit. I normally LOVE chips & salsa. But just the thought of it makes me queasy. I didn't have any problems with food the first time around so that is something new for me to experience. I'm finding that certain foods just aren't sitting that well in my stomach either. The joys of pregnancy. I guess that means I'm having a boy, right?? At least that is what everyone has been telling me.

I'm ready to start showing & move on to the 2nd trimester. I think pregnant ladies are so beautiful! Regardless if you are tiny or's just so amazing to me that we women can carry these little babies in our stomachs for 9 months straight. I wish I could be around to see both my sisters go through the pregnancy. My sister Kim is due March 3rd & my sister Jaimie is due sometime at the beginning of August. Sorry Jaimie, I can't remember the exact due date. I do know that she is 14 weeks along. So me & her are pretty close with our due dates.

If everyone could keep my sister Kim in your prayers come March 3rd...that would be greatly appreciated. She is more than likely having a c-section. She has had one once before, so there could be great risks for having another baby natural. She hasn't made a full decision yet, but it's sounding like it will more than likely be a c-section. Just pray for safety of Kim & the baby. And a peace over the whole family as she goes in that night.

Lastly, if everyone could also keep in their prayers that we have a girl the 2nd time around that would be awesome. J/K!! I know if I keep praying for a girl, God will give me a boy. Although I did pray for a girl the 1st time around & look where that got us :)

Hope everyone is enjoying the winter days & staying warm. Miss you guys & stay tune for more of Aubrie!



At 10:29 AM , Blogger becs said...

Lord, Please let April and Chris have a boy so that Jamin will have someone to play with. :)


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