Monday, February 19, 2007

It's been too long!

Here is Aubrie chilling out on one of her new chairs. She loves to eat breakfast, lunch & dinner on her new table. I couldn't get her to smile for the camera. She wasn't having it.

This is Aubrie ignoring me (smile). I was asking her to look at me & give the camera a smile. I'm telling you, she has such a mind of her own.

This is a little bit of Aubrie's morning routine. She is getting really good at brushing her teeth all by herself. Me or Chris still need to help, but she does a great job.

I gave Aubrie a little box to stand on so she could reach the sink. I just need to go out and buy a stool...but that cost money :) So this will do till later, and Aubrie doesn't care either way. She loves the fact that she can wash her hands all by herself (see below) & brush her teeth. I'm sure it makes her feel like such a big girl.

More pictures to come later this week. I'm taking Aubrie sledding today, so I'll have to post some of those pictures.


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