Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Last day's of snow

Good & Bad News. Good news is the fact that it's starting to really warm up in the Chicago area. Bad news is with a warm up we say good bye to the snow. I'm actually a little sad because we didn't get as much snow time as we wanted. It was just to dang cold some days to trench outside. We only got about 4 days of sledding & a couple days of left over snow. These pictures are the left over days. You will see lots of open grass spaces. So we decided to head over to the park. It was of course a fun day playing outside for the both of us. It's nice to get that refreshing air. Aubrie could stay out all day, like I'm sure most kids could.

I forget sometimes how big Aubrie is getting. Even with her big snow boots & snow pants she was able to climb up most everything at the park. I guess it helps to have long legs as well (smile).

Getting her swing on.

It was great for Aubrie because her snow suit gave her a little extra slide. She was flying down all the slides. She had a blast.

Just hanging out on the bridge.


At 11:11 AM , Blogger Beth said...

the photo of you and aubrie is GREAT!!! you are both so beautiful!!

hope things are going well!

At 11:25 AM , Blogger April said...

You are too sweet Beth! Hope you had a fantastic time in Florida. I'll send an email your way later on this week. We need to make plans for Beck & Melissa's shower. I think I might take you up on coming sooner than later. Talk soon.


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