Monday, April 02, 2007

Daddy's Birthday Party

I set up a small get together with Chris side of the family for his birthday this year. The day ended up turning out beautifully. We had a great menu with BBQ ribs, saute veggies, twice baked potatoes & a strawberry cake. Mike, my father-in-law took care of the ribs (They were terrific!!) & me & my mother-in-law cooked the rest of the meal. Happy Birthday Chris & Daddy!!!! We love you, April & Aubrie

This is the first cake I have ever made. The kids helped by putting the candles on. I made an angel strawberry triple layer cake. It turned out really yummy. The presentation wasn't the best, but not to shabby for my first try.

The birthday boy!! Chris tries to act like he doesn't care to much about his birthdays anymore. But whenever I do set something up for him, he is really excited & gets into the whole thing.

Here are some of the faces at the party..... Chris sister & her husband

Aubrie's Grandpa

And her cousins...

Here are some more pictures of Aubrie's cousins. They were having a blast together just running & playing outside. It ended up being a really nice day this past Saturday.

I love Aubrie's stance in this picture. She was trying to be silly & squat down. Looked pretty silly to me :)

Aubrie does this thing where we ask her if she wants to be a picture on the wall. If she says yes, then we ask her where she would like to be. Here are a few pictures of her posing for her picture on the wall. It's pretty hilarious.



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