Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A quick look at Aubrie

Be gone!!

This is one of Aubrie's new smiles. She has her eyes closed....wonderful. If we are lucky this will only last a couple weeks. That is how long her new habits usually last. So we will see. Our luck she will do this smile until she turns 3.

Here is Aubrie asking Daddy to do "chubby". My dad will understand exactly what is going on. We used to tell this story to my dad when we were little kids while holding our cheeks together. I can remember my dad laughing hysterically at us. Brings back soooo many memories when I see Aubrie doing it.

Can you tell someone is tired?? I walked into our living room to find Aubrie lounged out on the couch with her sippy cup. What a tough life :)


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