Thursday, December 14, 2006

Looking & Feeling Better

How are you feeling Aubrie? I recieved a thumbs up.
She has had a rough week with her sickness. Yesterday was one of the worst. She had a fever around 2pm that started off at 103 degrees. I was able to get it down to 101 before we put her down for bed. She did however have the best sleeping night. The two nights before were very hard for both Aubrie and myself. She was up every 20-30 minutes with a coughing fit. She was telling me "owwy" after every cough. I felt so bad for her. But we have made it through, and started her on an antibiotic yesterday. We have seen a lot of improvement. Thanks again for all your prayers!!

Show me your muscles.

Here's Aubrie picking a candy cane off the tree....

Here she is unwrapping the candy cane...

And here she is enjoying the candy cane.

This is how they do it in Hollywood girls.

Yah...I know I'm cute.

This was taken first thing in the morning. You can see her poor eyes had dark circles underneath them. They have improved drastically from even yesterday.

Yes, I am feeling much better!! Thank you for all your prayers.


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