Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

I love this picture of her....her hair looks so full and done up. I will have to say I'm pretty proud of myself for cutting it. I usually trim it every 4-5 weeks. It takes me almost 30 minutes...when it could take a professional less than 5 minutes I'm sure. Her hair is so thick, that you can't just cut it one time. You have to take it one layer at a time. She already has high maintenance on her hair and she isn't even 2 years old. Yikes!!!!

Aubrie does this amazing thing with her feet. If you look closely to them you will notice that she is on her tip toes. Most people need special shoes to get that high on their tip toes. Maybe she was born to be a ballarina. She will walk on her tips toes most of the day. I'm amazed everytime I see her do it.

Her best friend Bear.

Please NO more pictures....but does Mommy stop? Of course not :)

Just hanging out.

Yo, Yo, Yo....what's up!

Have I told you how much I like our new camera? I love the side shots.

My big helper pushing the chair back to it's original spot. Thanks Aubrie!!


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