Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pictures are coming

Hey everyone....sorry it's been so long since my last post. Chris and I have finally purchased a digital camera which should arrive sometime this week. So my plan is to post pictures weekly. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our family spent it with my sisters family's and my mom and dad in Colorado. This was the first time in over 10 years that all of us were together for Thanksgiving. So it was very memorable. Aubrie had a great time getting to know that side of our family. We miss all of you so much and thank you for opening up your homes for such a long time. But we are happy to be home.

I'm attempting to put all my Christmas decorations up today and tomorrow....if Aubrie will let me :) I can't believe that Christmas is only 3 weeks away. My how time flys!! Hope all is well and you are getting your Chrismas shopping done early.


At 4:26 PM , Blogger becs said...

Well, I still can't seem to get my decorations up yet. I'm going to go out to the garage right now and get some. Well, we'll see:)

At 7:17 PM , Blogger April said...

Mine are finally all up! Now we only have less than 3 weeks till Christmas. I think I might keep mine up a week after the holidays to feel like I got my decoration time in :) Get to decorating if you haven't started. Maybe when it starts to get warmer outside I will come and help you out.


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