Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Colorado Thanksgiving

There are lots of pictures, so get ready. This was when we first arrived to the house. There was no rest for us since we flew in the day of Thanksgiving. All the sisters decided that we were going to take care of making the meal....which was the first time my mom has been able to sit back and relax. We had a great time getting everything set up. Aubrie sat back and watched everything for the first few days. She soon became one of the cousins and was running all over the place.

Papa with Aubrie & Roxy. Aubrie was calling my dad "Poopa" for a while. Not the best nickname, but it sounds cute coming from a one year old.

Here is a picture of the table all jazzed up.

Looks great Jaimie!

All the cousins waiting for some food.

Paul with Andy & his daughter Emily. Kristine & her family were able to come over for Thanksgiving. The moment Kristine walked in she was cooking and cleaning. She fit right in with the family. It was nice to see her three kids and spend Thanksgiving with them.

Early Christmas for Aubrie! Here she is opening up a piggy bank that Heather & Paul brought back from Hawaii. She loves it! We have been putting coins in it since we got home. Every morning she wants to hold it and count the money inside.

Her first cabbage patch baby. Thank you Kopp family.

Looking good Kim!! Kim is due in March of '07 with baby #4.

Chris & Paul

The whole family. These pictures are always so special to me considering we all can't get together very often.

Heather, Paul, Ava & Roxy.

The Grandparents & their grandkids. Don't they look so proud!!

The three amigos.

Jaimie & Joey

Me & Jaimie

The sisters. Can you tell who is the tallest??

This picture is adorable! Roxy smiles all the time, very contagious.

Ava & Aubrie....they became good buddies by the end of the trip. Thanks for letting us crash at your place! We both had a great time.

Here they are hamming it up in Roxy's crib. They were jumping up and down for about 10 minutes.

Aubrie, Ava & Roxy

My sweet girl.

Ava playing in the snow. When we were in Vail they had a huge snowstorm. We ended up getting about 2 feet of snow over a day and 1/2. The roads closed down for two nights.

Can you say ADORABLE!!!!

Here's Ava doing her snowboarding thing. Heather was telling me that she went on the mountain for the first time last week and did awesome. They have a snowboarding star on their hands. She isn't even 3 yet!! She probably could out snowboard me any day.


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