Friday, December 08, 2006

Chilly Day, sickness & smiles

So I thought I would start with this lovely look from Aubrie. Somehow by me asking her to smile, she gave me this funny face. I'm surprised I was able to take the picture....I was laughing pretty hard. Aubrie woke up with a cold yesterday morning. So far the nights have still been good, but during the day is when she is really having a hard time. Her nose is stuffed and she is sneezing constantly. Everything is very dramatic for her. Most of these pictures were taken after I gave her a cookie that I made. From the sugar, she became a very happy girl :) We woke up this morning to find out it was only 2 degrees outside. With the wind chill it was -5. What a cold day! So I was happy that we stayed inside where it was nice and warm.

This is her concentrating look.

I was asking her how big she was. Evidently she thinks she's pretty big.

This was during one of her grumpy moments. I was trying to ask her if she could go and stand in front of the Christmas tree and take a picture. As you can see she wasn't very happy about it.

She was reading too of her favorite things to do.

Ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas!!

This stroller was from two of her Aunt's....she loves it, by the way. But the one thing I'm trying to work with her on is not getting into the stroller herself. You will notice her trying to as you view the other pictures. I'm sure every child goes through this when they get their first stroller.

Aubrie loves this movie...which is great timing for the holidays.

What a look, huh?? I wouldn't want to mess with her!

I was calling for Aubrie during the day to find her in mom and dad's bed. She told me to be quiet and turn off the lights. She stayed in our bed under the covers for at least 5 minutes. I got the dishes done in that time :)

Our lovely Christmas tree. I was sending this for my mom. Me and her got ornaments two years ago together and she hasn't seen our tree when it's all been put together. Mom, double click on the photo to see a close up.

Something looks interesting.

So long!!


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