Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Here is Aubrie using all of her cleaning supplies given to Aubrie as a Christmas gift from her cousins, Aunt & Uncle (Chris's sister). Aubrie loves it, and plays with them all the time. She actually picks up real lint and dirt with her broom and will put it in our garbage. You have never met such a clean person before Aubrie. My mom would be proud (smile)! Here are a few pictures of her cleaning put to work.

Aubrie LOVES this hand held vacuum cleaner. It's one of those chargeable vacuum's for a quick clean up. She will turn it on and use it till it needs to be charged again. That is why I am getting her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday.

This castle was a Christmas gift from Grandma Jo & Papa. We had it stored up North at my Grandparents house, so Aubrie got a late Christmas gift. She was very surprised and loves it. Thank you Papa & Grandma Jo!!

This is her favorite weeble wobble character. She named it "Cookie Monster". I didn't give her any ideas, so I thought that was pretty cute. She wanted to take a picture with him.

And here she is giving Cookie Monster a kiss.

I was showing Aubrie how I could touch my tongue to my nose. So of course she had to was too cute! She was concentrating so much.

So here is a taste of Aubrie's humor for everyone. There was about 10 minutes when every time I would try and take a picture of Aubrie she would immediately put her finger in her nose. I thought I would show you a few pictures of the comedian in action. Aubrie will love these when she is old enough to understand what she is doing (smile).

Did I get something???? I think it's official. Aubrie does have 2 dimples!! There were times when we thought she only had 1 and other times when we thought she had none. Just in the last couple of weeks did they really start to pop up. Hooray...she did get something from my side :)


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