Monday, June 19, 2006


The diva of the family Allie Grace (Kim's daughter). Her and Aunt Jaimie get a long really well when it comes to fashion. I bet I will be calling Allie when I'm in my 30's asking what's in and what's not. Outside of fashion, Allie also loves to swim. She is on the swim team this summer.

So Heather and I had this great idea that we should get all the cousins together for one big picture when I was in Colorado. The problem with that was Aubrie was not having it. She was connected to my leg the whole week and half. So when I set her down she just lost you can see in the picture above. I found it pretty funny how different she looks compared to her cousins in the picture. She sure doesn't look like a Peterson...but she is still cute!! From the left: Ethan & Roxy, Allie Grace & Aubrie, Meg & Ava.

I love this picture of Roxy....she's a beauty.

And here she is ladies and gentleman....the 2 year old wonder!! She loves to be outside and she loves to snowboard. Just like her mom and dad.

Ava and Aubrie just hanging out. I'm sure you are wondering what those boots are on Ava. Those are her snowboarding boots....yup she is only 2 and already snowboarding. The funny part is that Ava had those boots on the majority of the day for four days straight. The top of the boot went all the way up to her knees, and she was still able to walk in them. Talk about coordination.

Ava our princess!!
Ethan (Kim's son) & Roxy. Roxy seemed to enjoy sitting with Ethan. Ethan is a pretty good golfer from what I hear...just like his Uncle Joey. He is playing baseball this summer and starting to catch on. He loves hanging out with his friends and just being a boy, a really cute boy!!

Aubrie and her other cousins. All these girls live here in the North. She sees them at least once a week. I love seeing them play together. I'm happy that Aubrie is able to live close to some of her cousins. She follows the oldest cousin around every where she goes. It's cute when you see Aubrie doing some of the things that her older cousin does (which she is to the right of Aubrie). Her cousin to her left is one month older than Aubrie. She is such a snuggler! Aubrie on the other hand is Miss Independent. She gives hugs and kisses on her own time. I'm OK with that as long as I get one kiss and hug a day (smile).

Aubrie and I went to visit my two sisters and their families in Colorado back in March. Aubrie finally started getting used to all the kids running around. The only way we could get her to take a picture with all of them was to have her sit in her own chair. She wanted nothing to do with the couch. This was defiently an experience for the both of us. We had a good time!!
From the left: Aubrie, Meg & Roxy, Allie, Ethan & Ava.

Ava (Heather's daughter) and Meghan (Kim's daughter). Ava loves her cuz Meghan. Heather always tells me how Ava would much rather go with Meghan if she is around than her own mother. Meg and Ava are a lot alike. They both love being outdoors and staying active. Meg is the athlete of the family for sure. One of her favorite sports is roller hockey, she also rides horses, swims & plays volleyball. Ava works on her snowboarding during the winter and loves to skate board. Heather says she is getting pretty good at it.
Roxy Roo, my sister Heather's little girl. She is now 5 months old, and looking cuter than ever.


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