Monday, June 19, 2006

Aubrie at 2-5 months old

My sleeping beauty. They always look so peaceful when they are sleeping. I always found myself just starring at her for hours while she slept and I was complelty content the whole time.

Here is another lovely picture of her sleeping. She looks like an angel in this one.

I love the black and white photos. Our poor baby girl when through a month of baby acne (I hate those words) every picture we took was in black and white for that whole month. That way is wasn't as noticable, and we still got our pictures. We began to think that she might have curly hair, but as time went on she lost her curl.

This was the photo that we sent out to friends and family. Gotta love the mohawk complements of her Daddy. She looked like she went tanning...she was actually darker than I was, and I had been out in the sun that summer. Once again shows you that she looks nothing like me. I never knew Chris would look so cute as a girl (he, he, he).


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