Monday, June 19, 2006

First Doctors Visit

Aubrie's first doctors visit went really well. She weighed in at 10 lbs and was 21 inches long. The first visit is alway the easiest, considering there are no shots in the equation. The first time Aubrie had to get her three shots was harder than I was expecting. She did OK on the first one, just a few tears, but by the second shot she just lost it. I was trying to hold back the tears as long as I could. I'm sure all the doctors have seen many moms just break out in tears, so I figured I wouldn't be the first. Our nurse mentioned that she hasn't seen a baby cry has hard and loud as Aubrie did in a while. I hadn't heard Aubrie cry that loud till that day either. From that day my husband has been taking Aubrie to her doctors appointments. She seems to do much better with him when it comes to pain.


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